Ready for your best garden ever? Want thriving plants and higher yields? We have what you need – WORM CASTINGS – nature’s soil booster and plant superfood!
Greenhill Worm Farm produces premium, all-natural worm castings that work double duty for both plants and soil. Packed with organic material, Double Duty Worm Castings grow healthy, vigorous plants while rebuilding the life and fertility in your soil. Worm castings put beneficial microbes and good bacteria back into the ground for an abundance of nutrients plants can easily absorb. Plants have increased root numbers and greater yield, while soil develops better structure and improved water retention. Worm castings also promote more successful seed germination for a head start on the growing season.
Our composting worms are fed a premium, organic feedstock to ensure nutrient-dense, microbe-rich castings. Our worms are raised in carefully monitored bins, and castings are laboratory tested for appropriate pH, carbon:nitrogen ratio, and other markers critical for soil and plant health. Castings are stored with optimal airflow and moisture to safeguard the beneficial microbes, fungi and good bacteria your plants need to thrive. No other product provides the unique benefits of worm castings, nature’s soil and plant super-boost. Nature has it right and now you can too, with our premium Double Duty Worm Castings.
1 gallon of worm castings is about 5-6 lbs, depending on moisture content.
2 gallons of worm castings is about 11-12 lbs.
Unsure about how much to purchase or how to use worm castings? View our instructions page for more information. Price does not include shipping.
Double Duty Worm Castings
Orders are for local delivery or pick-up only.
We will contact you for delivery/pick-up options.
Contact us for bulk pricing.