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Subtle Seed Farm Uses Worm Casting Tea to Boost Hemp Plant Health


Subtle Seed Farm is a 22-acre organic industrial hemp farm located in Rutherford County, North Carolina. Subtle Seed Farm grows high terpene hemp year-round. They grow outdoors during western North Carolina’s traditional growing season, and in light deprivation greenhouses throughout the year.

The farm is owned by Bobby Gibbs. Bobby is passionate about the “agricultural art” of growing cannabis. He has been cultivating cannabis his entire adult life, he started managing commercial grows with a business partner in Northern California. After a few years of practice, the two decided to start their own project- Subtle Seed Farm.

Growing Organic Hemp

Cannabis/Hemp is a notoriously heavy feeder, particularly during the flowering stage. As with any crop, the fertility needs of the plant must be addressed. Traditionally, cannabis growers have turned to petrochemical fertilizers to satisfy their plants’ nutritional needs.

Subtle Seed Farm rejects chemical fertilizers and embraces organic practices. They grow their craft hemp in living soil, which means they feed the soil not the plant.

Subtle Seed Farm uses compost tea to cultivate beneficial microbes in the soil (indoors and outdoors). The couple began using compost teas four years ago. Subtle Seed Farm currently brews aerated compost tea in a 400-gallon vat with an airlift system they constructed themselves.

Investing in Soil Health

A little over a year ago they changed their compost tea recipe to include Greenhill Worm Farm worm castings. Their current compost tea recipe consists of worm castings that are teeming with microbes and molasses to feed the microbes present.

Bobby describes our worm castings as, “Without a doubt, the highest quality castings I have used. The proof is in the happy plants!”

Since making Greenhill Worm Farm worm castings part of their soil health strategy Subtle Seed Farm has noticed improved soil structure and plant health.

For more information about creating compost tea for your organic farm or garden, or to order worm castings email

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